Mortgage credit: Average interest rate decreases in December
The average interest rate on home loans dropped for the 3rd consecutive time in December 2023. Find out which values are at stake next.
Looking to lower your mortgage interest rate? The credit intermediaries at Poupança no Minuto can help you review your current conditions and, if necessary, look for new offers from different banks. Contact us and find out what we can do for you!
The average mortgage interest rate falls in December 2023.
The average interest rate for housing credit decreased again, for the 3rd consecutive month, in December. It is now at 4.12%, still higher than in December 2022 - 3.24%.
The data is from the Bank of Portugal and reveals that the average interest rate reached its peak in September 2023, at 4.27%. It gradually decreased to 4.12% by December.
However, the rate remained above the euro area average, even though the difference decreased from 0.36 percentage points (pp.) in December 2022 to 0.12 pp. in December 2023.
"By type of transaction, the average interest rates of new housing credit contracts reached their peak of the year in June (4.27%), settling at 3.98% in December," as reported in the Notícias ao Minuto article on the data.
About the average interest rates of the renegotiated contracts, they reached 4.40% in December, with the number of processes growing.
The maximum value of the year of the average rates of new operations was reached in October 2023, at 9.18%, having settled at 9.07% in December, comparing to 7.97% in December 2022.
"Throughout the year, this rate approached the euro area average, although it remained higher in December 2023 (+1.37 pp.)", according to the BdP, quoted by the news.
The data also reveals that the average interest rate on loans for other purposes reached its peak in August 2023 with 5.50%, and settled at 5.19% in December, a higher value compared to the 4.51% in December 2022. Source: poupancanominuto.com
Do you want to lower the interest rate on your mortgage?
Do you have a mortgage with a variable interest rate and want to reduce the amount you pay for the installment? Asking your bank to review the current terms of your contract, or transferring the contract to another bank, you can access different rate options: fixed rate, and mixed rate, where you fix the rate for a period. options of different rates.
To understand the savings that can be achieved, it is possible to access mixed-rate campaigns currently starting at 2.50%, which compares to the values of Euribor rates (index of variable rate) close to 4%.
Talk to a credit intermediary from Poupança no Minuto and access a free mediation service with banks, which will accompany you throughout the process of searching for new conditions for your financing!