IRS tax calendar: The dates you still need to note down
Every year, the annual IRS statement must be submitted between April and June, but there are other dates to pay attention to. Mark the following dates on your agenda.
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DECO PROteste clarifies: Currently, it is not necessary to declare income obtained through second-hand sales, but it may become necessary in the future. Understand what is at stake next.
Get to know the 8 tips from DECO Proteste, mentioned by Notícias ao Minuto, to start saving on loans, insurance, and other expenses, and improve your personal finances.
According to a publication shared by the Government on social media, find out which social support will be reinforced in 2024. And if you are not entitled to any of these supports, learn about other options to lighten your budget.
Do you know how much you will pay for IMI this year? There is a simulator that tells you the amount: get to know the tool and find out how to prepare your wallet for this expense.
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Neste Dia Mundial da Grávida, conheça estes conselhos sugeridos por uma educadora infantil para se preparar financeiramente no caso de estar grávida ou quiser ter um filho.
Segundo os astros, estes três signos vão entrar numa onda de abundância financeira a partir dos próximos dias.
O Portal da Queixa deu nota, até ao momento, de quais as reclamações mais feitas pelos portugueses nestas férias de verão. A maior parte está relacionada com problemas nos pagamentos de alojamento.
Nova medida do Governo, parte do processo de Transição Digital dos serviços públicos, torna o acesso ao subsídio parental inicial mais simples.
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