Mortgage life insurance: How does it work?
When applying for a home loan, you will also be required to subscribe to a life insurance policy. But why is it necessary to associate this insurance with the loan and how does this product work?
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The insurance company was acquitted of paying compensation to the insured's daughter who was diagnosed with cancer shortly after the contract was signed. The Court ruled in favor of the insurance company, stating that the insured already had symptoms indicative of the disease, which were not disclosed in the pre-contract health questionnaire. Understand what is at stake.
Get to know the 8 tips from DECO Proteste, mentioned by Notícias ao Minuto, to start saving on loans, insurance, and other expenses, and improve your personal finances.
There are several factors that can condition the amount you pay for your life insurance, depending on the risk that insurance companies incur when granting you the contract. Find out which ones in this article.
Hiring insurance online is possible, but has its advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to pay attention to some issues when subscribing to this product digitally. For that, you can also ask for help from an insurance mediator.
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O seguro de vida é contratado, maioritariamente, no decorrer de um crédito habitação e apenas com as coberturas de morte e invalidez. Mas é possível precaver-se de doenças graves através deste seguro também. Saiba como.
Tendo Portugal diversas zonas de risco de sismo, é essencial que as habitações estejam protegidas. Esse é o objetivo de um seguro multirriscos. Proteger casas e respetivos recheios nestes casos. Saiba como funciona e como contratar.
Com a mais recente ocorrência do sismo em Portugal, a Associação Portuguesa de Seguradores (APS) alerta para a necessidade de ter a cobertura de fenómenos sísmicos no seguro mutlirriscos habitação. Perceba melhor em seguida.
O que significa o conceito de sinistro na apólice de um seguro de vida? Perceba em seguida.