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Mão de pessoa dentro de carro a ajustar aparelho de portagens em estrada antes das portagens

What tolls will we stop paying?

Know which tolls we will stop paying starting January 1, 2025.

07 May 20242 min

Bênçãos e abundância: Três signos que terminarão 2024 em grande

Blessings and abundance: Three signs will end 2024 in great ways.

Discover what the stars have in store for the next few days.

11 Dec 20241 min

Signos que podem enriquecer em breve: Será o seu um deles?

Signs that can become rich soon: Will yours be one of them?

According to an astrologer, there are some zodiac signs that may become wealthy soon. Find out if you are one of the lucky ones.

11 Dec 20241 min

Com 55 anos, já pode pedir a pré-reforma. Saiba como
Supports and subsidies

At 55 years old, you can apply for early retirement. Learn how.

With a pre-retirement agreement, you can reduce your working hours or even stop working, without losing the right to receive your salary monthly.

10 Oct 20242 min

Consulte aqui as novas tabelas de retenção na fonte de IRS para 2025

Consult here the new IRS withholding tax tables for 2025.

The Government published the new IRS withholding tax tables for 2025, ensuring exemption for incomes up to 870 euros per month. Check it out in full right after.

24 Jan 20252 min

Sentiu o sismo? Saiba como se preparar e proteger os seus bens

Did you feel the earthquake? Learn how to prepare and protect your assets

The earthquake felt in Portugal with a magnitude of 5.3 on the Richter scale woke up and scared the Portuguese in the early hours, who are now asking themselves: What are we supposed to do in these cases? Let us remember then how to prepare in case of an earthquake.

26 Aug 20243 min

Ato isolado superior a 25 mil euros? Tem de fazer isto antes de emitir

Isolated act over 25,000 euros? You must do this before issuing it.

The Finance Department warns: if you are going to make a single transaction over 25 thousand euros, you must select an option beforehand. Find out which one, next.

31 Jul 20241 min

IRS: Saiba as datas importantes a cumprir antes de entregar a declaração

IRS: Know the important dates to meet before submitting the declaration.

The IRS starts being delivered in April, but there are deadlines to meet. Here are the important dates.

17 Jan 20252 min

Subsídio de desemprego: Valor máximo sobe para 1.306 euros em 2025
Supports and subsidies

Unemployment benefit: Maximum amount increases to 1.306 euros in 2025.

The update of the Social Support Index (IAS) in 2025 represents a significant increase for various social benefits, especially unemployment benefits, which will see their maximum value rise to €1,306.

24 Dec 20242 min

Como aquecer uma divisão da casa de forma rápida?

How to quickly heat a room in the house?

How to heat up a room to make it cozier, faster? Follow these helpful tips.

08 Jan 20252 min

Complemento para Idosos sobe 30€ e será pago em fevereiro de 2025
Supports and subsidies

Elderly supplement increases by €30 and will be paid in February 2025.

According to Social Security, "the updated amount will be paid in February, with retroactive effects to January".

27 Dec 20241 min

Carteira cheia nos próximos dias? Conte com isso, se for de um destes signos

Wallet full in the next few days? Count on it, if you are from one of these signs.

Are you waiting for money to fall into your pockets? You could be one of the lucky ones to attract it in the coming days, if you are from one of the three signs below.

30 Jul 20241 min

Reavaliação do IMI para pagar menos? Saiba como pedir até 31 de dezembro na AT

Reassessment of property taxes for lower payments? Learn how to request until December 31 at the Tax Authority.

If you own a property, you can reduce the Municipal Property Tax (IMI) by requesting a revaluation of the property value until December 31st. Find out how.

16 Dec 20242 min

O que significam os estados da sua declaração de IRS?

What do the states of your IRS statement mean?

You have submitted your IRS and want to understand the evolution of the states of your declaration, to know when you will have the refund in your account or have to pay additional tax? Understand the meaning of each state, then.

18 Apr 20243 min

Três signos que vão encher os bolsos a partir desta semana

Three signs that will fill their pockets starting this week.

If you are one of these signs, get ready for a good financial surprise!

12 Nov 20241 min