What do the states of your IRS statement mean?
You have submitted your IRS and want to understand the evolution of the states of your declaration, to know when you will have the refund in your account or have to pay additional tax? Understand the meaning of each state, then.
Check the status of the IRS statement.
To access the current status of your IRS declaration, you must first log in to the Finance Portal with your data.
Next, search for "Consultar declaração IRS", select "IRS > Consultar Declaração", choose the respective year (2023) and click "Pesquisar". You can access the status of your declaration, usually, from two days after submitting the declaration.
Interpret each state of the IRS declaration.
After being submitted by the taxpayer, the IRS declaration will go through several stages that will appear in the consultation.
Each state aims to inform you about the validation status of your declaration, as there may be errors or doubts from the Tax Authority. If not, the process proceeds normally starting with the "Correct Declaration".
→ Correct statement
If there are no central errors, your IRS statement is considered correct, because it has been validated and ready to be settled.
It is a transitional state that, in normal process and without replacing the statement, will go directly to refund.
→ Declaration with anomalies
If your statement presents this status, the Tax Authority (AT) explains that it is because information entered in the statement with values or other references that the AT could not validate was verified.
When these core errors are detected, you must correct them within a maximum of 30 days by submitting a new replacement declaration.
→ Replaced statement
This status means that a replacement declaration has been submitted, so it will not be analyzed because there is a more recent one submitted for processing.
→ Reimbursement declaration
This status means that only the emission of the settlement of the statement is missing.
→ Non-liquidable statement
A statement in this state has no effect, but it can claim self-assessment. It may occur when substitute statements are submitted outside the legal deadline.
→ Processed liquidation
The statement in the liquidation process follows the correct statement, after tax accounts have been processed, resulting in an IRS refund or a payment that needs to be made to settle the tax.
→ Refund issued
The issued refund status implies that there are no discrepancies or tax debts in your IRS declaration, so you move to this status as soon as the Tax Authority indicates that the payment can proceed.
→ Payment confirmed
After payment is made (by check or transfer), the status changes to - payment confirmed. From here, you receive the refund in a few days. The same happens in case you have to pay additional tax, and a payment notice is sent so you can settle the tax.
Faced with an additional tax to pay and not expecting it? Adjust your monthly budget by seeking new financial solutions!
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