Comprar casa está mais caro? Peça ajuda a profissionais

Buying a house more expensive? Get help from professionals.

Do you want to buy a house? Know that the cost keeps increasing, but do not lose hope yet! By turning to professionals, the process can be much simpler (and cheaper).

13 Nov 20233 min

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Here we can help you with real estate mediation and credit intermediation: You can contact Casa no Minuto and Poupança no Minuto, respectively. But first understand what the current average cost of buying a house is, and how professionals can help you.

Buying a house became more expensive in October in half of the country.

According to a publication shared by Notícias ao Minuto, which cites the idealista price index, buying a house became more expensive at the end of October in half of the country, that is, in nine districts.

Although house prices stabilized at 0.3% in October compared to September, the price increased to a cost of 2,500 euros per square meter (euros/m2), considering the median value. 

However, it is not "a visible scenario in almost the entire Portuguese territory, since the houses became more expensive in nine district capitals, between September and October, with Guarda leading the increases (4.3%)" as reported in the news.

Regarding the annual variation, the price of houses in Portugal increased by 4.8%.  

Ensure maximum savings with the help of professionals.

Buying a house can be a (quite) costly process, as it involves the acquisition value, as well as the respective taxes (Municipal tax on onerous property transfers and Stamp Duty).

Even if you resort to a mortgage, you always need to have your own capital available, since banks currently do not lend 100% of the value of the house.

If the property to be acquired is for own and permanent housing, the bank lends up to 90% of the purchase or appraisal value (whichever is lower), and if it is intended for secondary housing, it finances up to 80%.

Real estate agency

So, in order to access the greatest savings when buying a house, it is important to go through the process with professionals. In other words, when searching for the ideal house, being with a real estate agency in order to find the property that best fits your needs, preferences, and financial capacity. A real estate consultant can also negotiate the purchase price with the seller.

Credit intermediary 

Furthermore, in the case where you resort to financing, it is essential that you are also being accompanied by a credit intermediary. And why is that? The intermediaries deal with all the bureaucracy, communication, and negotiation with the banks, present you with several proposals from different banks, compare and help you choose the most suitable proposal for you and with the best conditions on the market! And the best part? All of this at no cost.

Buying a house can be much easier (and cheaper) if you do it with the right professionals: With us, you can count on real estate mediation services through Casa no Minuto and credit intermediation through Poupança no Minuto. Contact us and access personalized follow-up until you have the key to your new home in hand!


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