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Home Purchase
Apoios habitação jovem: Procura de casa aumenta, mas preços também
Housing Credit Acquisition

Young housing support: Demand for housing is growing, but prices are also increasing.

The improvement that has been felt in the housing market, with new support measures for young people and falling interest rates, brings positive points such as increased sales. However, on the other hand: the increase in house prices as well. Understand better, then.

23 Sep 20242 min

Mais-valias imobiliárias: Há dois regimes em vigor em 2024
House for Sale

Real estate capital gains: Two regimes in force in 2024

This year, there are two diplomas in force regarding real estate capital gains, depending on the property sale date. Understand the differences.

20 Sep 20242 min

Compra e venda de casa: Número de imóveis transacionados baixou (muito) em 2023
House Purchase

Buying and selling houses: Number of properties transacted decreased (a lot) in 2023.

The number of real estate properties that were transacted in 2023 was the lowest since 2017, having decreased by 18.7% compared to the previous year.

12 Aug 20241 min

Consultores imobiliários mais positivos face à melhoria da procura
House Purchase

Real estate consultants more positive about improving demand.

The real estate market is beginning to improve now, and real estate consultants are showing more positivity. Understand what is at stake and, if you are looking to buy a house, find out how we can help you.

21 Feb 20242 min

Novo Simplex na habitação: “É um retrocesso na exigência de regulamentação”
House Purchase

New Simplex in housing: "It is a setback in regulatory requirements"

Following the new Simplex document, which exempts the presentation of property licenses in the purchase and sale of houses, we spoke with real estate consultants from Casa no Minuto about the advantages and disadvantages of this document.

13 Feb 20243 min

Quais foram os preços médios das rendas em janeiro?

What were the average rental prices in January?

In some Portuguese municipalities, average rental prices increased in January, but it is worth noting that in two municipalities the rent went down. Find out which ones, next.

09 Feb 20242 min

Compra de casa: Preços dos imóveis sobem 0,8% em janeiro
Housing Credit Acquisition

House buying: Real estate prices rise 0.8% in January.

The real estate market continues to experience a rise in house prices. Want to buy a house? Find out how to locate the ideal deal.

08 Feb 20242 min

Compra de casa: 8 municípios de Lisboa entre os mais procurados
House Purchase

Purchase of a house: 8 municipalities in Lisbon among the most sought.

Houses for purchase were most sought after in the districts of Lisbon, especially Odivelas, Oeiras, Amadora, Lisbon, Vila Franca de Xira, Torres Vedras, Loures, and Sintra.

06 Feb 20242 min

Compra de casa: Portugueses procuram mais barato e com maior financiamento
Housing Credit Acquisition

House purchasing: Portuguese seek cheaper homes with higher financing.

Data shows that by the end of 2023, Portuguese people were looking for cheaper houses to buy, relying on larger financing from banks. Learn more about the data at the following link.

02 Feb 20242 min

Menos casas vendidas em 2023? Preços aumentaram 11,8%
House for Sale

Fewer homes sold in 2023? Prices increased by 11.8%

According to data released, fewer houses were sold in 2023 compared to the previous year, but the justification may lie in the increase in prices. Understand better, next.

02 Feb 20243 min

Venda de casa: Oferta de imóveis aumenta 10% no último ano
Housing Credit Acquisition

House for sale: Real estate offer increases 10% in the last year

According to a study by Idealista shared by Notícias ao Minuto, the real estate supply increased by 10% in the last year.

01 Feb 20242 min

Construção de novas casas só regressa na segunda metade de 2024
Home construction credit.

Construction of new houses only resumes in the second half of 2024.

Houses have not been built, but it is forecasted that the sector will start advancing again in the second half of 2024 with the slowing down of inflation.

30 Jan 20244 min

Governo lança novo incentivo fiscal à investigação científica e à inovação
House Purchase

Government launches new fiscal incentive for scientific research and innovation.

With the end of the Non-Habitual Resident Regime (NHR), the Government announces a new tax incentive: now for scientific research and innovation. Learn how this new regime works, then.

24 Jan 20243 min

Sabe quanto ganha o Estado por contribuinte? Impostos com compra de casa são dos mais altos
Housing Credit Acquisition

Do you know how much the State earns per taxpayer? Taxes on home purchase are among the highest.

For each taxpayer, the State collects a certain amount through taxes and social contributions. Do you know how much it is? And how much do taxes represent in buying a house? Read on.

24 Jan 20243 min

Novo simplex dispensa licenças na venda de casa. Saiba os riscos e proteja-se
House Purchase

New simplified procedure dispenses with licenses in house sales. Learn the risks and protect yourself.

The new diploma includes 26 measures to improve access to housing. Find out how Simplex will make buying and selling a home easier, the associated risks, and how to protect yourself.

23 Jan 20246 min