Medicina de Precisão: Saiba porque deve ter esta cobertura no seu seguro de vida

Precision Medicine: Find out why you should have this coverage in your life insurance.

Do you know about the Precision Medicine field? This is an area increasingly being researched in Portugal and, currently, already included in life insurance coverage. Understand what this option represents and why you should consider it.

03 Nov 20235 min

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Are you looking for the right insurance for you? Poupança no Minuto can help you find the most suitable option, with the coverage you need, explaining everything to you and guiding you through the entire process as an insurance intermediary. Contact us directly, or find out first how Precision Medicine works and what impact it has to hire this aspect as coverage.

What is Precision Medicine in Portugal?  

Precision Medicine has been a highly developed field abroad and, more recently, in Portugal.  

The objective of this approach is to be innovative in terms of prevention and treatment of diseases, considering genetic variability, environment and lifestyle of each individual.

With Precision Medicine, it is possible to have access to greater speed and effectiveness in diagnosing diseases and avoiding unnecessary, ineffective, and more expensive treatments.  

Portugal has been increasingly investing in this area, now with an initiative from the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators (APAH), with the institutional support of the Order of Physicians and technical support from EY, through the "Strategic Agenda for the Future of Precision Medicine in Portugal".  

This Agenda includes a plan of initiatives that began in 2020 and run until the end of 2023. The plan involved the implementation of two pilot projects in hospital institutions of the National Health System (SNS): one focusing on integrating health data (clinical, genomic, medical imaging, and data provided by patients), and developing algorithms to support clinical decision-making; and another focusing on ensuring citizens' access to personalized treatments with a sustainable financing model.

Throughout this plan, there is already an insurance company in Portugal that guarantees access to Precision Medicine coverage for life insurance. The Real Full Life Insurance, from Real Vida Seguros, guarantees financial support in the event of a diagnosis of a serious illness (optional coverage), which includes Precision Medicine services, aimed at studying the genetic profile for personalized treatment of the insured's oncological disease. The study is carried out through genetic tests that can also be extended to direct family members in case of potential genetic mutation.

How does Precision Medicine work?

Precision Medicine symbolizes the advancement of medical and scientific technology in expanding possibilities for the treatment and prevention of serious diseases.

This area was developed based on genetic factors, age, nutritional status, lifestyle, and environment of each individual. It is a personalized medicine for each person, based on genes, data, and analysis, to obtain a broader and more detailed overview of a patient.

This branch of medicine aims to combine data from medical analyses with genetic data, in order to then build a detailed vision to assist in prevention, diagnosis or treatment of the disease itself.  

In other words, in addition to researching information about the family history, signs and symptoms described, along with conventional exams, Precision Medicine searches for information about the genetic profile of a patient.

What are the advantages of Precision Medicine?

Precision Medicine brings numerous advantages by providing personalized treatment to a patient, with higher chances of improving a disease.  

When, in a group, several patients have the same disease, the same treatment will not have the same effectiveness for everyone. This is because the method will depend on the factors that this approach seeks to know about each patient.

Therefore, having the coverage of Precision Medicine in a life insurance will ensure a deeper analysis about yourself, a more adequate choice about the therapy that best suits your body, with better studied results, minimizing the side effects.

Furthermore, this approach is also beneficial in studying susceptibility to various diseases before they manifest in an organism, helping to prevent them.

What is still advantageous for the pharmaceutical industry in the production of medicines is finding more precise solutions for patients who do not respond to conventional treatments.

Precision Medicine, already included as coverage in certain insurances in Portugal, is innovative and offers promising results. Therefore, including this aspect in your insurance can be beneficial.  

Let's move forward with an insurance policy that can help you prevent or treat a serious illness? It is better to prevent than to cure. But, in this case, Precision Medicine promises both to prevent and cure, with the same effectiveness. Contact the insurance mediation services of Poupança no Minuto and ensure your health with a suitable and personalized product for you.


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