Articles about:

Insurance mediator
Mulher sentada em sofá com mãos na cabeça inclinada sobre mesa com papéis e portátil
Insurance Mediation

Insurance clients have been increasingly turning to brokers in the hiring process.

According to the data released, insurance customers have been seeking more information about the various options in the market, resorting to insurance brokers before making the decision to take out insurance. Learn about the relevant data and how an insurance broker works.

30 Apr 20243 min

Seguradora isenta de pagar indemnização por doença oculta? Saiba como se prevenir
Life Insurance

Insurer not liable to pay compensation for hidden disease? Learn how to prevent yourself

The insurance company was acquitted of paying compensation to the insured's daughter who was diagnosed with cancer shortly after the contract was signed. The Court ruled in favor of the insurance company, stating that the insured already had symptoms indicative of the disease, which were not disclosed in the pre-contract health questionnaire. Understand what is at stake.

13 Mar 20244 min

Tenho de declarar a caução de rendas em IRS?

Do I have to declare rental deposit in IRS?

Court rules against Tax Authority and explains why. Find out more.

21 Feb 20242 min

Devo declarar em IRS as vendas que efetuo em 2.ª mão?

Do I have to declare the sales I make second-hand in IRS?

DECO PROteste clarifies: Currently, it is not necessary to declare income obtained through second-hand sales, but it may become necessary in the future. Understand what is at stake next.

20 Feb 20242 min

Taxa de inflação na zona euro recua para 2,8% em janeiro
Mortgage Savings Credit

Inflation rate in the euro zone drops to 2.8% in January

The inflation rate in the eurozone continues to decrease, dropping from 2.9% in December 2023 to 2.8% in January 2024.

12 Feb 20242 min

6 dicas para poupar com o Dia dos Namorados

6 tips for saving on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is around the corner and you haven't prepared anything yet? Don't worry, read 6 tips for easy and inexpensive gifts for your partner.

07 Feb 20243 min

BCE mantém taxas de juro inalteradas na 1.ª reunião do ano
Mortgage Credit Transfer

ECB keeps interest rates unchanged at 1st meeting of the year

The European Central Bank (ECB) keeps interest rates unchanged, continuing the pause in rate hikes at the first meeting of the year. Find out more next.

05 Feb 20244 min

O que fazer se a Segurança Social pedir a devolução de um subsídio?
Supports and subsidies

What to do if Social Security demands the return of a grant?

The alert comes from DECO PROteste, which explains: if Social Security (SS) asks for the return of a subsidy, you can request the repayment in installments, and if you earn the minimum wage, you don't even have to repay. Understand better, next.

31 Jan 20244 min

Calendário fiscal: Conheça os prazos de pagamento destes impostos em 2024
Mortgage Savings Credit

Tax calendar: Learn about the payment deadlines for these taxes in 2024.

The tax calendar for 2024 is already known, specifically for IRS, IUC, and IMI. Do you pay any of these? Then stay informed about the following deadlines.

19 Jan 20243 min

Ministério das Finanças realça que “taxa de inflação está no valor mais baixo dos últimos dois anos”
Mortgage Savings Credit

Ministry of Finance highlights that "inflation rate is at the lowest value in the last two years."

In a social network, the Ministry of Finance highlighted that the inflation rate recorded in December was the lowest in recent years. Understand it better, next.

19 Jan 20243 min

Poupar mais de 1.300 euros por ano? Experimente a estratégia das 52 semanas
Mortgage Savings Credit

Save over 1,300 euros per year? Try the 52 weeks strategy.

Do you need to save money in 2024 for a larger margin in your monthly family budget, or for a future project? There are several strategies you can use, such as the 52-week challenge. Have you heard of it? Find out how it works, next.

15 Jan 20244 min

O que pode impactar o valor do meu seguro de vida?
Life Insurance

What can impact the value of my life insurance?

There are several factors that can condition the amount you pay for your life insurance, depending on the risk that insurance companies incur when granting you the contract. Find out which ones in this article.

08 Jan 20243 min

5 dicas para comprar (e poupar) nos saldos

5 tips for buying (and saving) on sales

The sales have already started and it can be a great time to buy that piece you need or have always wanted at lower prices. But how to find the best opportunities safely? Check out 5 tips in this article.

29 Dec 20233 min

Inflação a 2,9% em 2024? Previsões assim o apontam. Saiba o que mudou
Mortgage Savings Credit

Inflation at 2.9% in 2024? Such predictions point to it. Find out what has changed.

The inflation rate in 2024 will not be as high as previously estimated. The new information now contradicts the previously reported 3.6%, forecasting 2.9% instead. Find out what has changed and how to reorganize your monthly budget.

26 Dec 20233 min

Como serão os aumentos das pensões em 2024?
Mortgage Savings Credit

How will pension increases be in 2024?

After the resignation of the Prime Minister, António Costa, uncertainty hung over the measures planned in the State Budget for 2024. As for pension increases, it has already been confirmed that they will move forward, but by how much?

15 Dec 20233 min