Articles about:

Life Insurance
Quais as vantagens de contratar um seguro de vida?
Life Insurance

What are the advantages of hiring life insurance?

Hiring a life insurance tailored to your needs and budget is easier when you are well informed. Find out how life insurance works in Portugal and all the benefits of taking it out.

09 Sep 20242 min

Posso contratar um seguro de vida que cubra doenças graves?
Life Insurance

Can I hire life insurance that covers serious illnesses?

Life insurance is mainly taken out during a mortgage and only covers death and disability. However, it is also possible to protect against serious illnesses through this insurance. Find out how.

30 Aug 20242 min

Mãos de senhora a escrever em portátil com estetoscópio ao lado
Life Insurance

What is a claim in life insurance?

What does the concept of "claim" mean in a life insurance policy? Find out next.

02 Jul 20242 min

Sala de reuniões com janelas e mesa com cadeiras em volta
Insurance Mediation

Insurance sales by banks? Government reopens possibility.

At stake is a measure referenced in the Government's program "Build Portugal," still without a deadline, which allows banks to sell insurance related to mortgage credit.

21 Jun 20243 min

Soro de hospital para simbolizar seguro de vida de falecido
Life Insurance

How to know if the deceased has life insurance?

It is possible to identify life insurance policies associated with a deceased person by requesting information from the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF). Find out how to make the request and what to do if you are the beneficiary of the insurance.

14 Jun 20243 min

Bóia em rochas e mae simbolizando seguro de vida
Life Insurance

Life insurance: Why can the insurer refuse the claim?

Tried to participate in a claim regarding your life insurance and the insurer did not assume responsibility? Understand the possible reason behind it.

04 Jun 20242 min

Como poupar com o seguro de vida? Veja estes exemplos
Life Insurance

How to save with life insurance? Check out these examples.

Want to save on your insurances? Find out how Poupança no Minuto's insurance brokers helped these customers achieve savings of over five thousand euros per year.

29 Apr 20243 min

Quer contratar um seguro e deparou-se com o período de carência? Saiba o que é
Life Insurance

Want to take out insurance and came across the waiting period? Learn what it is

Want to hire insurance, but heard about the waiting period? Let us explain what this concept is and its objective.

03 Apr 20243 min

Seguradora isenta de pagar indemnização por doença oculta? Saiba como se prevenir
Life Insurance

Insurer not liable to pay compensation for hidden disease? Learn how to prevent yourself

The insurance company was acquitted of paying compensation to the insured's daughter who was diagnosed with cancer shortly after the contract was signed. The Court ruled in favor of the insurance company, stating that the insured already had symptoms indicative of the disease, which were not disclosed in the pre-contract health questionnaire. Understand what is at stake.

13 Mar 20244 min

8 dicas para poupar com créditos, seguros e outros encargos

8 tips to save on loans, insurance, and other charges.

Get to know the 8 tips from DECO Proteste, mentioned by Notícias ao Minuto, to start saving on loans, insurance, and other expenses, and improve your personal finances.

05 Feb 20246 min

O que pode impactar o valor do meu seguro de vida?
Life Insurance

What can impact the value of my life insurance?

There are several factors that can condition the amount you pay for your life insurance, depending on the risk that insurance companies incur when granting you the contract. Find out which ones in this article.

08 Jan 20243 min

Posso contratar um seguro online?
Insurance Mediation

Can I hire insurance online?

Hiring insurance online is possible, but has its advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to pay attention to some issues when subscribing to this product digitally. For that, you can also ask for help from an insurance mediator.

13 Dec 20233 min

Dificuldade em pagar casa aumenta: Como baixar prestação do crédito?
Mortgage Savings Credit

Difficulty in paying home increases: How to lower loan installment?

The difficulty in paying for housing by the Portuguese has increased with the context of rising interest rates and inflation that we are going through. In times like these, find out how to lower the installment of your mortgage.

24 Nov 20235 min

Spread 0% no crédito habitação? Atenção às letras pequeninas
Housing Credit Acquisition

Spread 0% on home loans? Pay attention to the fine print.

Currently, there are banks promoting home loan proposals with 0% spread, one of the rates of this financing. But it is always important to look at the fine print: What are the necessary conditions to access this type of proposal? Does it pay off compared to the other products that need to be hired?

22 Nov 20234 min

Seguro de vida pode ser declarado no IRS?
Life Insurance

Can life insurance be declared on tax returns?

Only workers with fast-paced professions, disabled individuals, or subscribers of Retirement Savings Plans (PPR) can include life insurance expenses in their IRS declaration. Understand the requirements and limits for these cases.

08 Nov 20234 min