Extended income support: Find out if you qualify.
Help will be extended, but only in specific situations.
New income support rule includes tenants who stayed in the house after changing the contract.
Monthly income support for tenants with high effort rates, resumed in early July of last year, has been extended to cases where tenants had to change the contract - whether due to its termination or the landlord's initiative - but remain in the same house, warns DECO PROTeste.
According to what is read on Notícias ao Minuto, if you lost this support before last summer, you can now reapply. However, it will not be possible to recover the amounts corresponding to the months when the support was not in place.
In the remaining cases, DECO clarifies that rent supports are maintained under the Mais Habitação program, which includes several measures to support housing credit.
Remember that income support is monthly and granted for a maximum period of five years, intended for families whose effort rate is higher than 35%.
If you are renting a house and want to calculate your family's effort rate, just divide the monthly rent by the available net income for each month.
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