Ida para a Universidade: Conheça o programa de arrendamento Porta 65 Jovem

Go to University: Get to know the Porta 65 Jovem rental program.

Living in another city to be able to study at your dream university can be costly. However, there are State programs in Portugal that allow for renting at a lower cost. An example is the Porta 65 rental program, aimed at young people.

16 Aug 20236 min

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Looking for a property to rent and still haven't found the right one? The Casa no Minuto can find the property for you, so you can move on to the next step of applying for the Porta 65 Jovem rental program. Understand how this support works next.

The Porta 65 Jovem rental program, implemented by the State, has been in effect for several years, but new changes have been imposed for 2023. In order to reach more beneficiaries, applications are now open all year round, and it is no longer mandatory for a candidate's tax address to be the same as the permanent residence address. But, in general, what are the rules of this rental support program?  

How does the Porta 65 Jovem program work?

If your application to the Porta 65 Jovem program is approved, you are entitled to support for rent payment for 12 months. The amount of support corresponds to a percentage of the rent, being transferred to the candidate's NIB until the 8th of each month. The percentage decreases every 12 months, up to the 3rd year of support.  

The amount of support is awarded right after the contest results are announced, without retroactive effects, and can be extended for a maximum of 5 years or 60 monthly installments. 

Know that even meeting all the requirements required by the program, you may not receive support, as applications are awarded in descending order of score until the limit of available funds.

How do I apply to the program?

To apply for the Porta 65 Jovem rental program, you must first fill out the application form on the Housing Portal with your taxpayer number and access password to the Finance Portal.

You must gather the necessary documentation and scan it in order to attach it to the online application. 

Applications are now open all year round, and after applying you should obtain the respective proof and wait for contact from the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU).  

After applying, you can always submit a request for clarification at any time, through the "clarification request" section on the portal.

What are the requirements to be accepted into the program?

To be accepted into the Porta 65 Jovem rental program, you must meet certain requirements. First, you must be a young person living alone or cohabiting between 18 and 35 years old. If you are a couple, one of you can be 36 years old as long as the other is 34 years old at most. In the case of a couple, it is not mandatory to be married or in a civil partnership.

In terms of typologies, a young person isolated for applying for housing up to typology T2, as well as two candidates without dependents. However, there are the following exceptions: 

  • The typology may be higher if one of the young people or members of the household has a disability level equal to or greater than 60%, or if the housing has one or more rooms without windows to the outside;  
  • The typology criterion must be suitable according to the area, whether classified as historical, ancient, urban rehabilitation, or critical area for urban recovery and redevelopment;
  • Also, the typology can be higher if the monthly income meets the limits established for the typology suitable for the household.

To prevent changes in context, it is necessary to submit an application every year in order to maintain support in the same way. For example, if the age exceeds the one provided for in the support during the period in which you are benefiting from it, the candidate can receive up to a maximum of 24 grants.

So, in general, to receive support from the Young Door 65 leasing program, it is necessary to meet the following requirements:

  • To have the allowed age;
  • Candidates must be holders (as tenants and not guarantors) of a lease agreement or lease-promise agreement.  
  • The income value must correspond to or be less than 60% of the average monthly income of the rented house;  
  • The income cannot exceed the maximum income allowed for the area where the property is located, and for the house typology; property location.
  • The type of property must be suitable for the number of family members;  
  • Neither candidates nor household members can own/co-own or rent another building or unit for residential purposes.
  • None of the candidates can be related to the landlord;  
  • The monthly income of the household cannot exceed four times the maximum income allowed in each zone, nor four times the Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Remuneration (minimum wage).
  • Permanently reside in the rented housing;  
  • Do not accumulate the amount of this support with another public financial support for housing, do not have debts from the previous program of Incentive to Rent by Youth, or from Porta 65 Jovem with a lease contract under the Rental Support Program.

What documents do I need to present?

In order to apply, you must submit certain documents to prove that you meet the requirements imposed by the program. Such as:

  • The taxpayer number of candidates, dependents, and ascendants;  
  • Access password to the Financial Portal for all candidates;  
  • Social Security identification number of all candidates;  
  • Article and fraction of the updated housing (present in the lease contract, electronic rent receipt, or ask the landlord to verify in the urban property notebook);
  • The bank account's NIB;
  • Income within imposed limits;  
  • A valid email address.

Still without a property? Let's move on to the first step. You already know: The real estate agency Casa no Minuto can help you find your home to rent and be able to ask for support.  

But if you are not accepted into the program, do not be discouraged... we have other solutions for you. You can get financial help through financing, with a student loan, for example. To do this, you can use the credit intermediation service of Poupança no Minuto, which provides you with a fast, free, and paperwork-free service.


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