Preço das casas aumenta mais do dobro desde 2010

House prices have more than doubled since 2010.

The price of houses continues to rise, and even though the cooling down is already starting to be felt, the difference from 2010 is significant. Understand better, in this article, and learn how to access a less costly home buying process.

29 Nov 20233 min

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House purchase? Housing credit? We have the right services for you! Contact the real estate agency Casa no Minuto and the credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto to learn more. Or first, read about where house prices currently stand.

Houses (much) more expensive since 2010  

The price of houses in Portugal, as well as in eight other EU Member states, more than doubled since 2010 and the forecast is that it will continue to increase, according to the European Commission, as can be read in publication shared by Notícias ao Minuto.

Therefore, despite the cooling down of the European real estate market, houses continue to become increasingly expensive, as concluded in a chapter focusing on the housing crisis in the autumn economic forecasts. This cooling of the markets, since 2022, occurs "alongside a significant slowdown in credit levels", due to the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB).  

House prices have experienced a strong growth throughout the EU over the past decade, especially during the pandemic. House prices began to rise during the economic recovery of the 2010s, although with significant differences between member states, as "prices doubled in Germany and the Netherlands, while Portugal, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Luxembourg, Latvia and Lithuania experienced even stronger price growth," explains the European Commission, cited by Notícias ao Minuto.

Some markets, however, have already reached the peak in terms of house prices in the second quarter of 2022, while in others "the steady growth of prices continues," as is the case of "Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Portugal, and Slovenia".

Regarding the future, the news explains that the Commission foresees that "restrictions on families' loan contracting capacity suggest that housing prices will remain under pressure in the coming quarters before resuming growth".

Buying a house with the right help can cost less.

Buying a house can be less costly (both bureaucratically and financially), if you hire the right help. In this process, it may be important to have with you a real estate agency and a credit intermediary, in the case of financing.

Both services provide mediation, assisting you with all the necessary "paperwork", passing on knowledge and experience in these complex procedures.

At Casa no Minuto you can find your dream property, negotiate the purchase price and always defend your interests.

Just like Poupança no Minuto can intermediate, completely free of charge, the credit process between you and the banks, finding the most beneficial proposal for your case.

Contact us and guarantee the best service for your home and the best proposal for your credit!  


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