Articles about:

Consolidated Credit
Quais os créditos que posso consolidar?
Personal Consolidated Credit

What credits can I consolidate?

Consolidating multiple debts can be a good option if the goal is to reduce monthly installments and facilitate budget management. Find out which ones you can consolidate.

15 Oct 20242 min

Posso contratar um crédito pessoal, tendo outras dívidas?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Can I take out a personal loan with other debts?

Want to apply for a personal loan but already have other loans? Find out if you can in this article.

19 Sep 20242 min

Crédito consolidado para juntar dívidas: Quais as vantagens?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Consolidated credit to combine debts: What are the advantages?

Adding different debts into a single credit is possible, and besides simplifying the payment return, you end up paying less for all. Understand all the advantages of this financing.

16 Sep 20243 min

Poupança mensal de 275 euros: Como o João e a Carla consolidaram os seus créditos
Personal Consolidated Credit

Monthly savings of 275 euros: How João and Carla consolidated their debts.

By consolidating their credits, João and Carla saved 275 euros monthly and 3,303.72 euros annually. Find out how!

02 May 20243 min

Cubos com percentagens de inflação e mão a fazer montes com os cubos

Inflation in March? Falls back to 2.4% in the Eurozone

It is the third consecutive time that inflation has decreased in the eurozone, now standing at 2.4% (closer to the ECB's medium-term target of 2%).

29 Apr 20242 min

Governo destaca 3 medidas para melhorar a vida financeira dos portugueses

Government highlights 3 measures to improve Portuguese financial life.

With the new Government of Luís Montenegro, measures proposed by the Executive are emerging with an impact on the financial life of the Portuguese. Three are highlighted in an Instagram post: find out which ones.

16 Apr 20242 min

Taxas dos créditos aos consumidores aumentam: Como conseguir as melhores?
Personal Car Loan

Consumer credit rates rise: How to get the best ones?

In the second quarter, the maximum interest rates on consumer loans increased, according to the Bank of Portugal (BdP). Want to know how to get the best rates in the market for these loans? Read this article.

15 Mar 20242 min

Devo declarar em IRS as vendas que efetuo em 2.ª mão?

Do I have to declare the sales I make second-hand in IRS?

DECO PROteste clarifies: Currently, it is not necessary to declare income obtained through second-hand sales, but it may become necessary in the future. Understand what is at stake next.

20 Feb 20242 min

Famílias cada vez com mais créditos. O que fazer?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Families increasing their debts. What to do?

According to DECO Proteste, some families have 20 loans, with credit cards being the main cause. But how to ease this credit burden? Get to know the options next.

24 Jan 20244 min

Como entrar em 2024 com a poupança certa?
Mortgage Savings Credit

How to enter 2024 with the right savings?

The year 2023 is now coming to an end and the hope for a better and more financially comfortable 2024 is evident. Therefore, we will help you evaluate all the options available so that you enter the new year with an organized budget.

21 Dec 20237 min

Taxas máximas nos créditos vão subir em 2024: Como encontrar as mais baixas?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Maximum loan rates will rise in 2024: How to find the lowest rates?

The maximum interest rates on loans will be higher in the first quarter of next year. So how can you access proposals with lower rates? Find out in this article.

21 Dec 20233 min

Incumprimento do crédito habitação: Saiba o que o PERSI pode fazer por si
Mortgage Savings Credit

Noncompliance with home loans: Find out what PERSI can do for you.

Are you in default with your home loan? The PERSI can help. Learn about the plan that banks must follow in this case, and find out how to save on your monthly installment.

08 Nov 20232 min

What does it mean to consolidate credits?
Personal Consolidated Credit

What does it mean to consolidate credits?

The sudden loss of income or the increase in interest rates can lead to situations of default in the payment of credit installments. An option capable of providing immediate savings is credit consolidation. How does it work?

11 Aug 20234 min

Como poupar com encargos, para suportar o custo do regresso às aulas?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

How to save on charges to support the cost of back-to-school?

The return to school can be a painful time for parents who have to buy school supplies for their children, make or renew school registrations. This is why it is important to be prepared for what this context holds. So, how to save on short-term expenses?

09 Aug 20235 min