What credits can I consolidate?
Consolidating multiple debts can be a good option if the goal is to reduce monthly installments and facilitate budget management. Find out which ones you can consolidate.
What types of credits can be combined in a consolidated credit?
Debt consolidation allows you to combine multiple credits into one, paying a single monthly installment for all and simplifying your financial management. It also reduces the effort rate by increasing the payment term and accessing lower interest rates, decreasing the monthly amount you pay for the whole debt.
However, what credits can be consolidated then? It is possible to consolidate various types of credit, such as:
- Personal loans - All kinds of personal loans, such as for holidays, large purchases, or health expenses, because they are loans for various purposes without guarantees.
- Housing credit - Not always included in credit consolidation and only a few banks allow it, but by including the property it remains the loan guarantee. By consolidating housing credit with others, you access a lower interest rate than with other credits, as the bank has more security with the mortgage.
- Car loan - It is also possible to consolidate the car loan, which also reduces the monthly cost associated with car payment.
- Credit cards - Credit card debts, usually with high interest rates, are the most consolidated type of credit;
- Lines of credit and bank overdrafts - These two types of debts are also possible to consolidate.
- Revolving Credits - Credits associated with store cards or flexible credits with variable repayment can also be integrated into a consolidated loan.
Let's consolidate your credits? The intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto take care of the entire process for you, at no cost, so that you can reduce what you pay monthly for your expenses! Simulate your consolidated credit now: