Articles about:

Credit consolidation
Quais os créditos que posso consolidar?
Personal Consolidated Credit

What credits can I consolidate?

Consolidating multiple debts can be a good option if the goal is to reduce monthly installments and facilitate budget management. Find out which ones you can consolidate.

15 Oct 20242 min

Crédito consolidado para juntar dívidas: Quais as vantagens?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Consolidated credit to combine debts: What are the advantages?

Adding different debts into a single credit is possible, and besides simplifying the payment return, you end up paying less for all. Understand all the advantages of this financing.

16 Sep 20243 min

Ansiedade financeira: Metade dos portugueses sentem ao pensar nas suas finanças

Financial anxiety: Half of the Portuguese feel when thinking about their finances.

A study conducted in Portugal concluded that about half of the citizens feel financial anxiety when thinking about their personal finances. Get to know all the revealed data, next.

10 Jul 20243 min

Taxa de esforço das famílias aumenta para comprar e arrendar casa. Como baixar?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Household effort rate increases to buy and rent a house. How to lower it?

The effort of families to buy and rent a house increased compared to the same period last year. Understand the increase and how you can lower the effort rate.

03 Jul 20243 min

Poupança mensal de 275 euros: Como o João e a Carla consolidaram os seus créditos
Personal Consolidated Credit

Monthly savings of 275 euros: How João and Carla consolidated their debts.

By consolidating their credits, João and Carla saved 275 euros monthly and 3,303.72 euros annually. Find out how!

02 May 20243 min

Crédito habitação: Amortizações antecipadas quase duplicam em 2023
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: Early repayments nearly double in 2023

With the rise in interest rates, early repayment of housing credit was a popular option for the Portuguese in 2023 to avoid high interest rates. Check out the numbers.

15 Feb 20242 min

Famílias cada vez com mais créditos. O que fazer?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Families increasing their debts. What to do?

According to DECO Proteste, some families have 20 loans, with credit cards being the main cause. But how to ease this credit burden? Get to know the options next.

24 Jan 20244 min

Aumento das taxas de juro: Como baixar a prestação do meu crédito habitação?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Increase in interest rates: How to reduce the installment of my housing loan?

The European Central Bank (ECB) has announced a new increase in interest rates, which also leads to an increase in Euribor rates at various maturities. Therefore, Portuguese people with variable interest rates on their home loans will once again see their monthly payments increase. So, what options can we take to lower the amount to be paid for the home loan?

19 Sep 20236 min

What does it mean to consolidate credits?
Personal Consolidated Credit

What does it mean to consolidate credits?

The sudden loss of income or the increase in interest rates can lead to situations of default in the payment of credit installments. An option capable of providing immediate savings is credit consolidation. How does it work?

11 Aug 20234 min