Três em cada quatro famílias com dificuldade em pagar contas

Three out of four families struggling to pay bills.

The data is from DECO PROteste and reveal that in 2023 there was less financial capacity among the Portuguese. Read the numbers disclosed.

27 Mar 20243 min

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Difficulties in meeting your monthly credit or insurance payments? The credit intermediaries and insurance mediators from Poupança no Minuto are here to help you reduce these costs!  

In 2023, three out of four families faced financial difficulties.

According to the DECO PROteste barometer, released by Notícias ao Minuto, 75% of Portuguese families struggled to pay their bills, and 7% were in a critical situation.

The data is related to the year 2023 and was based on nearly seven thousand surveyed Portuguese.

"According to the latest annual DECO PROteste Barometer - which aims to measure the ability of Portuguese families to pay for daily expenses in six areas: food, education, housing, leisure, mobility, and health, and had almost seven thousand respondents in Portugal - 75% admitted to having difficulties in settling their accounts and 7% of families were in a critical situation," as reported on Notícias ao Minuto.

In the statement cited by the news website, DECO also explains that the housing crisis "emerges as one of the main factors in the financial tightening of Portuguese families, suppressing any relief provided by the decrease in inflation".

"The increase in interest rates is one of the reasons why almost 28% of families are struggling to pay their bank loans. Also, the value of rents has contributed to the difficulties: 23% of tenants are struggling to fulfill the payment of their rents for their homes," the news reads.

Even though "expenses on mobility, health and food have improved compared to the previous year, inflation continues to negatively affect a considerable number of Portuguese people," the organization warns.

"About one third (31%) of families report feeling 'much more' difficulties in paying essential expenses, while 4% say it is an impossible mission. Only a minority (6%) did not feel the impact of rising prices of goods," quotes the news.

The regions where the Portuguese lived with the most difficulties were Alentejo and Centro, Castelo Branco being the district with the most financial problems, and Bragança the city where they lived more comfortably.

Among the expenses that increased the most from 2022 to 2023, the barometer indicates: rent by 11%, restaurants by 7%, loans by 6%, big vacations by 6%, books and streaming by 4%, higher education by 4%, concerts, theater, cinemas, and museums by 4%, sports activities by 4%, health by 4%, and vegetables and fruit also by 4%.

If you are looking to lower the installments you pay for your loans and insurance, know that by renegotiating contracts or transferring them to new entities, you can access better conditions! In addition, you can also access a consolidated loan if you have multiple loans to combine into one, obtaining better conditions and paying only one, lower installment.

For this, know that the credit intermediaries and insurance mediators of Poupança no Minuto offer free services that communicate with contracting entities to find the conditions you are looking for. Contact us and learn more.


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