Relax after work? Follow these 4 tips.
It is essential to make the most of free time at work. See how you can do it.
4 practical tips to unwind after a day of work
Many people have difficulty making the most of their free time during the week, after work hours. Is this your case?
Two specialists, a psychologist and a therapist, shared advice quoted by Notícias ao Minuto, to help you know how to relax after a day of work.
These are 4 simple ways to unwind after a long day at work:
- Change clothes as soon as you get home: Joy Kiesch, therapist and clinical director of Miami Vibes, explains that changing out of work clothes into something comfortable signals to the body that it's time to relax.
- Listen to your favorite music: According to Kiesch, listening to music helps "tell" the mind that it has already left work mode.
- Practice physical exercise: Psychologist Meredith Van Ness argues that "intentional movement facilitates the transition from work to personal time";
- Realize household tasks as soon as you arrive: Leaving them for later "can generate anxiety, preventing you from enjoying your moment of rest," warns Van Ness.
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