Free admission to museums and monuments now available on 52 selected days.
It used to be only on Sundays and holidays, now it can be any day of the week. Among the 52 available days to enjoy, the new measure allows you to choose the day of the week you want to go. Understand it better.
New measure allows free access to monuments on 52 chosen days throughout the year.
According to the Minister of Culture, as reported in Público, free entry to museums and monuments in Portugal now occurs on selected days, not only on Sundays. There are 37 museums, monuments, and public palaces, and 52 days per year, which were previously only on Sundays and holidays.
The measure came into effect on August 1st and is valid for national citizens and residents in Portugal.
Among the institutions to visit are, among others, the Convent of Christ in Tomar, the Monasteries of Jerónimos, Alcobaça or Batalha, the National Music Museum in Mafra, the National Machado de Castro Museum in Coimbra, the National Museum of Resistance and Freedom in Peniche, the national museums of Ancient Art and Contemporary Art in Lisbon, the National Museum of Conímbriga or the Palace of the Dukes in Guimarães.
From now on, the measure includes free admission to any day of the week, with no limit on entries. That is, on each of the 52 available days for free entry, you can visit more than one museum, monument, or palace.
Currently, it is only possible to register for free entry in person, at the ticket booths of the institutions involved. However, Minister of Culture, Dalila Rodrigues, announced that they are working on a computer application to facilitate registration. "We are currently renewing the entire operating system so that the application can become the means through which access is made", reads the quote from the Minister in the Publico.
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