Férias sem tirar dias do trabalho? Saiba os feriados de 2024

Vacation without taking days off work? Find out the holidays in 2024.

Want to increase your rest, without giving up your entitled vacation days at work? Then find out which holidays you can take advantage of in 2024.

07 Mar 20242 min

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Enjoy the holidays to enhance your vacation .

Annually, as a rule, all workers are entitled to 22 working days of vacation, and all of them must be scheduled by law, until April 15th.

But there are still 13 mandatory holidays per year, and municipal holidays - although some fall on weekends and cannot be enjoyed as extra rest.

In addition to January 1st falling on a Monday this year, there are still a few days that you can use to boost your vacation.

In 2024, you will be entitled to four long weekends and three bridges. Let's see which ones.

What holidays fall on which day in 2024?


Day 29, Good Friday: Friday - Extended weekend

Day 31, Easter: Sunday.


Day 25, Freedom Day: Thursday - Bridge 


Day 1, Labor Day: Wednesday

Day 30, Corpus Christi: Thursday - Bridge  


Day 10, Portugal Day: Monday - Long weekend

Day 13, Santo António (municipal holiday in Lisbon): Thursday - Bridge

On the 24th, São João (municipal holiday in Porto): Monday - Long weekend


Day 15, Assumption of Our Lady: Thursday - Bridge


Day 5, Republic Implementation: Saturday  


Day 1, All Saints Day: Friday - Extended weekend


Day 1, Restoration of Independence: Sunday  

Day 8, Immaculate Conception Day: Sunday  

Day 25, Christmas: Wednesday

These are all the mandatory holidays and major municipal holidays in Portugal for 2024, with indicated extended weekends and bridges.  

By combining your vacation days with some of these holidays, you can save work days and gain some extra rest.

If you need support for your vacation, know that Poupança no Minuto is a credit intermediary that can help you hire a new financing, or renegotiate current conditions/transfer credits you may have in order to increase your monthly budget.


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