Students at the University will have the right to free nutrition and psychology consultations.
The measure that will allow higher education students to access free nutrition and psychology consultations will start on September 30th. What are the criteria?
College students will have free access to nutrition and psychology consultations.
Students from public and private higher education institutions will now have free nutrition and psychology consultations starting on September 30th.
According to DECO PROteste, as reported by Notícias ao Minuto, the initiative announced by the Minister of Youth and Modernization, Margarida Balseiro Lopes, will be formalized through two protocols with the orders of nutritionists and psychologists.
In psychology, 100,000 "vouchers" for appointments will be available, and in nutrition, at least 50,000 appointments. "Each student can enjoy up to 12 psychologist vouchers, that is, 12 appointments with a psychologist," cites the website.
The protocols in question, which aim to strengthen health and well-being responses for students, will ensure 297 psychologists and 208 nutritionists.
The news also states that, in terms of psychology, these "vouchers" will be available to young people with:
- Frequent mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression;
- Social or academic problems that have an impact on mental health, such as relational difficulties, exam anxiety, life situations with potential impact on academic life (moving to another city, grieving, breakup in a romantic relationship/divorce, etc.);
- Issues related to vocational development and personal career management;
- Physical health issues, such as chronic illnesses, can have an impact on mental health.
And students who will be excluded from this support are those who:
- Have symptoms lasting longer than one year and six months;
- Have issues like problematic substance consumption and addictive behaviors;
- Have had a diagnosis of psychotic or bipolar disorder or a personality disorder diagnosis;
- Present prior suicide attempts or risk of suicide;
- Have specific educational needs, despite this support being guaranteed by the higher education institutions themselves.
To request a consultation, the request can be made on the Government's website, starting on September 30th. "Students can choose the professional they want to schedule a consultation with, from a list provided by the orders," the minister is quoted as saying in the news.
"The first two sessions are for assessment and diagnosis. It is in these sessions that the psychologist determines if the student meets the access criteria for the measure. If so, the student will have access to the remaining ten consultations (follow-up sessions). In situations where the access criteria for the psychologist cheque are not met, the student is referred to other support services," it can also be read, adding that, if at the end of the 12 psychology consultations there is a need for continuity, the professional may communicate this situation."
Regarding validity, it is clarified that the first and last consultation should not be more than one year. That is, the psychology one will be valid for 12 months.
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