Mortgage credit intermediaries - What are they and why use these services?
If you are thinking of buying a house or getting credit to achieve another personal goal like buying a car or a trip, you have certainly come across the term "credit intermediaries". But what are credit intermediaries? What do they do?
What are credit intermediaries?
Credit intermediaries are individuals or companies that are part of the credit granting process, acting as a bridge between the consumer and the banking institutions that provide the credit. These intermediaries can present credit proposals, help consumers prepare and organize the necessary documentation for a credit application, sign credit contracts on behalf of banking institutions, or provide assistance and advice to consumers by making recommendations. Attention! Credit intermediaries do not grant credit. Even when they are involved in the mediation process of a credit, the decision to grant credit belongs solely to the bank (or credit institution) that grants it. These intermediaries also cannot commercialize other banking products and services such as account openings or term deposits.
What are the advantages of using the services of a credit intermediary?
A credit application is a process that can be long and requires patience, time, and availability. It becomes even more stressful when major life decisions, such as buying a home, starting a business, or achieving a personal dream, depend on its approval. This is where a credit intermediary can be an asset. Let's see what advantages exist for you in using these services:
- Credit application preparation: A credit intermediary knows exactly which documents must be presented for a credit application and how to obtain them easily, being able to guide and assist you in this collection and organization.
- Save time: To get a credit that benefits you financially, it is not enough to contact your usual bank. It generally involves contacting several banking institutions and credit institutions to obtain various proposals. This is a process that can be time-consuming and involve various contacts or even trips to bank branches. A credit intermediary does this work for you! With all the necessary documentation in hand, an intermediary contacts financial institutions and requests credit simulations and proposals, so that they can analyze the best proposal for you.
- Save money: Credit intermediaries have privileged relationships with banking institutions, so not only is the process faster, but they also have access to more advantageous credit proposals for you.
- It is a free service: Credit intermediation services do not have any cost for you, the client (we will talk more about this in this article!).
Although it is not a rule when it comes to credit intermediaries, a good professional will also have a lot of experience in the area, good knowledge of the financial institutions with which they work, and what the market trends are, having the ability to act as a guide in the decision-making process of their clients.
At Poupança no Minuto, your dedicated agent will accompany your process from start to finish, starting with an analysis of your goals and financial situation. There is no one-size-fits-all credit - depending on your personal and professional situation, you will see benefits in different things. Those investing in their business may want to quickly pay off their loan, while those starting a family may prefer a low monthly payment that allows for safe management of the family budget and savings for the future. Your Poupança no Minuto agent will take all of this into account and will look for the best opportunities for you in the right places.
Are the services of a credit intermediary paid for?
For you, the client, the services of a credit intermediary are free! This is because most credit intermediaries are paid by the banking institutions with which they have partnerships, and for whom intermediaries are a source of new customers. It is a mutually beneficial relationship: intermediaries can partner with several banks and offer their clients more advantageous credit contracts for each specific situation; while banks do not need to allocate manpower to customer acquisition. Here it also makes sense to understand that there are several types of credit intermediaries: Credit-linked intermediary: It is an intermediary that is linked to one or more banking institutions, from which it receives a commission when it concludes a credit contract. Accessory title credit intermediary: Here we are referring to retailers or service providers who, in partnership with a banking institution, mediate credits for the acquisition of their products or services. Have you ever been to a large retail store where they offer the possibility of buying appliances on credit? Or a car dealership that also arranges credit for the purchase of a car? That's what we're talking about. Non-linked credit intermediary: It is an intermediary that is not linked to any financial institution. This is the only type of intermediary that may charge you for their consulting and mediation services. These intermediaries may call themselves "independent intermediaries or consultants" and must always enter into an intermediation contract with the consumer, in which the terms and conditions of the provision of services are established.
Care to take in hiring these services
When it comes to fraud in credit granting, caution is key. It's not something new, but it tends to spread, especially through social networks, in times of approaching economic difficulties or when there is an increase in interest rates. Here are some simple tips to protect yourself from these types of fraud: [https://www.poupancanominuto.com/?utm_source=poupancaaominuto&utm_medium=textlink&utm_campaign=intermediarios-de-credito]
- Notice the approach: in scams, it is common to have a direct and aggressive approach through social networks, promising easy or guaranteed credit. A credit intermediary does not actually grant credit or guarantee it, so you should be suspicious of this type of approach.
- Do not advance money: a credit intermediary will not request advance money in order to "unlock" the granting of credit.
- Validate the credibility of the intermediary: all authorized credit intermediaries are registered with the Bank of Portugal. Through this website you can search and validate the mediating entity.
- Validate the bank entities to which the mediator is connected: On the same page of the Bank of Portugal, you can also see to which bank entities the intermediary is linked.
- Always ask for the FIN/FINE: The Normalized Credit Information Sheet (FIN) is a document issued by the banking institution that presents the main characteristics of the credit and pre-contractual information, allowing you to know all the conditions of the credit and confirm its legitimacy.
There is no doubt that obtaining credit for your projects can be a long and demanding process. Now that you know everything about credit intermediaries, you can decide if this is an ideal service for you!