Comissões bancárias a aumentar: Banco de Portugal disponibiliza comparador

Banking commissions increasing: Banco de Portugal provides a comparator.

Bank commissions continue to be increased by banks, following the rise in interest rates. So, find out how to compare values and how to minimize the impact of this cost on housing credit.

26 Oct 20234 min

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Looking to hire a housing credit? You came to read the right article. The credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto can help you, through a service without costs to the consumer, fast and personalized! But first, we explain the increase in bank commissions that you may be subject to.

Banks continue to worsen bank commissions.

The values of bank commissions charged by banks have been increasing, which has been justified by the banking industry as a result of low interest rates. However, the most recent worsening, with the constant increase in interest rates, no longer matches the justification presented.

According to a Notícias ao Minuto publication, DECO highlights this action as "a strategy, at the very least, dishonest", since it contradicts the justification about low interest rates. As rates have also been increasing, and the increase in bank fees is following suit.

For example, the Novo Banco was one of the banking institutions that announced a new cost for the banking commissions it charges.  

It is important to note that the increase will only be reflected in December for some, and in January for others. In the case of commissions for current accounts, almost all will be updated on January 19, 2024.

Analyze fees with the BdP commissions comparator.

The Bank of Portugal (BoP) provides on its platform a commission comparator, which can help analyze the less costly options, now with the worsening of values.

In the publication of Notícias ao Minuto, it can be read that this tool from BdP "allows simple and quick comparison of commissions related to payment account services, namely costs related to account maintenance (including package account), provision of debit and credit cards, cash withdrawal, purchase of checks and transfers".

In the commission comparator, it is possible to evaluate the maximum values practiced in each bank, in various services, compared to the marketing channel. Also note that the commission amount already includes taxes at the current legal rate.

Increase in commissions also applies to mortgage credit.

If you are going to apply for a home loan, be aware that there are also bank fees associated with both contracting and maintenance.  

When hiring a mortgage financing, you are subject to the following initial bank commissions: .

  • Opening commission;
  • Evaluation committee;
  • Formalization commission;
  • Monthly costs committee (insurance);
  • Account commission (only in some banks).

Afterward, throughout the loan period, you must pay fees for bank account and insurance maintenance, and credit card fees (if you have any associated with the financing).  

Therefore, if you proceed with hiring a housing loan, or mortgage refinancing, commissions are an additional cost to consider. This is because they are values included in the Annual Effective Annual Rate (APR) and the Total Amount Imputed to the Consumer (TIAC): Two parameters that allow you to know the total amount you will pay for your credit, and compare simulation proposals among different banks.  

So, in order to minimize the impact of commissions, it is essential to choose the best cost/benefit proposal for you. To do this, use a credit intermediary: The agents of Poupança no Minuto offer a free and personalized service.

Contact us and leave us the bureaucracy, communication with banks, comparison and choice of the most suitable (and saving) proposal for you!  


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