Devo entregar o IRS no primeiro dia ou não?

Should I submit my IRS on the first day or not?

The IRS filing starts today, April 1, but experts usually do not recommend filing on the first day. Find out here the opinion of the president of the Tax Workers Union.

01 Apr 20242 min

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IRS delivery: "Don't rush in the beginning or leave it until the end"  

According to the president of the Tax Workers Union, Gonçalo Rodrigues, to Lusa and quoted by Notícias ao Minuto, even though we can start filing our IRS declaration on April 1st, we shouldn't do it right away.

The specialist advises taxpayers not to submit their tax returns at the beginning or at the end of the process, in other words, the ideal is to not rush in at the beginning or leave it until the end.

The process starts on April 1st and ends on June 30th, referring to the income earned in 2023, so by submitting the declaration within the deadline, you will "certainly have the possibility to submit the IRS electronically, without major difficulties."

The lack of staff is undeniable. It is a reality that has been ongoing, will worsen, and is worsening. And in the next five years, it will worsen even more because many people will retire," said the president of STI in face of the shortage of human resources at the Tax and Customs Authority.

Regarding IRS, "people are already very accustomed to dealing with the AT", with many taxpayers already covered by Automatic IRS, so Gonçalo Rodrigues explains that the questions and doubts that arise will not have a major impact.

Regarding the IRS campaign, the Union president also points out that "the new withholding tax system (which came into effect last July and aims to bring the amount withheld closer to the tax due), while a positive measure, may carry the 'risk' of resulting in a reduction of the refund or implying that there is tax to pay after the calculations," the news reads.

In conclusion, the leader notes that the new withholding system "frees up money for the economy", but that people "were used to having a safety net there and now, eventually, there may be surprises in that sense and the person expecting a refund may receive a smaller refund or, eventually, have the same tax to pay".  

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