Which are the Lisbon councils with the lowest rents?
Analysis announces which Lisbon councils currently have the lowest rental values. Find out which ones and how to access renting more easily.
Rent a house or hire credit? We have the services for you... The real estate agency Casa no Minuto and the credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto can help you achieve dreams. But first understand the variation of rent values in the various councils of Lisbon.
Want to rent a house? Find out the cheapest advice
According to a report released by Notícias ao Minuto, citing analysis from Imovirtual, the cheapest municipalities in the district of Lisbon in terms of rents are Amadora, Vila Franca de Xira, and Loures. Despite being the municipalities with the lowest rents, they still have values above one thousand euros per month.
"As for the district of Lisbon, renting a house costs, on average, 2,407 euros, an increase of 36% compared to October 2022," the news reads.
In Amadora, the average value is around 2,407 euros, in Vila Franca de Xira 1,168 euros, and in Loures 1,382 euros.
Increase in rents in Lisbon was widespread
Since October 2022, however, there has been a general increase in rents in Lisbon. Virtually all municipalities experienced an increase in values: Sintra and Torres Vedras by 50%, and Vila Franca de Xira by 49%, standing out as the municipalities with the "highest average rent increase in October, compared to the same period last year, with values rising to 1,992 euros, 1,407 euros and 1,168 euros, respectively".
The only municipality that did not raise rental prices and kept the average, was Mafra with values around 1,762 euros.
What are the most expensive councils?
Regarding the municipalities where rents were most expensive, according to information shared by the news website, Lisbon and Oeiras stood out.
The rents remain above average, with values exceeding two thousand euros: 2,319 euros in Lisbon and 2,164 euros in Oeiras.
Next, Sintra is highlighted with an average of 1,992 euros in rent, and Mafra with an average of 1,762 euros in rent.
Renting a house? We can help
Are you having trouble renting a house due to rising prices and decreasing availability? Ask for help... it might be easier.
The real estate agency Casa no Minuto can search for the right property for you, based on your preferences and needs, and help negotiate values.
Regarding the leasing process, you are guaranteed constant personalized support from real estate consultants, until you have the key in hand!
If you still need financing for initial expenses... Poupança no Minuto can find the perfect loan for you. With no costs, access the best offer to ensure you have the lowest possible expenses!