Como avançar com a proposta de compra de uma casa?

How to proceed with the house purchase proposal?

For the various stages of the home buying process, it is important to inform ourselves beforehand so that we can ensure that we acquire the right property. This is the case, for example, at the moment when we make the offer of the amount we want to give for the chosen house. How to decide what value to propose? And how to proceed with the proposal? Find out in this article.

20 Oct 20234 min

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Are you in or about to enter this process? Contact the real estate agency Casa no Minuto to find your dream property, and the credit intermediary Poupança no Minuto if you need financing. To understand how this stage works, keep reading next.

Turning to a real estate agency can help ensure the property.

In the current real estate market, where the scarcity of properties for sale is high, finding the ideal home can be challenging. Even when we find what we feel is our home, the moment we move forward with an offer can be critical.  

Because many times there are "7 dogs to one bone", it is essential to be fast and effective. In this sense, we must make the right and informed proposal! That is why many turn to a real estate agency in this process, for access to experienced agents in the market, who mediate between parties and represent both the buyer and the seller.

So, it will be easier to make the right and coherent proposal if you resort to an experienced real estate agency, to ensure that you secure the property.

And speaking about the best proposal prevailing over other interested parties' proposals does not necessarily mean it is the highest monetary level. But rather, the most realistic proposal that meets the seller's expectations and allows the process to move forward in the shortest amount of time.  

To do this, with the knowledge of a real estate agent by your side, you can better understand the realistic value, in relation to the market, the other properties for sale in the area, the typology and characteristics of this property, making it easier to reach the value you want to make an offer for the house.

Need help from a real estate agency? Casa no Minuto can assist you throughout the entire process, so you don't miss out on your ideal home. Contact the real estate agents' services and have access to a hassle-free procedure until you have the house key in your hand.

How to make the proposal, step by step? & nbsp;

  1. Gather the information 

The first step is to gather all information about the market, area, and property in question. This is so that you can come to a fair value to propose if you do not agree with the sale price.

The ideal is to reach a realistic proposal that increases your chances of moving forward with the purchase of the property.

  1. Contact the seller's real estate agent 

The second step is to present to the real estate agent, or to the seller themselves, the value proposal you intend to offer for purchasing the house, with room for negotiation.

This phase is important because the real estate agent representing the current owner, or the seller himself, can help you understand expectations. In other words, try to understand up to what value the owner is willing to go and what is the most likely path to follow for him to accept your proposal.

  1. Proceed to the CPCV 

When making the proposal, it should be put in writing, ideally by email, as well as the acceptance or rejection response of the proposed amount.

If the owner accepts your proposal, you should proceed to the Purchase and Sale Promise Contract (CPCV). This legal document is carried out in order to safeguard the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer.

The objective of this contract is for the buyer to commit to purchase the property in question, and the seller to commit to sell the property to the same, being signed by both parties.

At this moment, as a rule, a down payment is paid to celebrate the contract. In cases where housing credit is used, it can correspond to the buyer's down payment, considering the value that the bank lends.

Are you in this process? The real estate agents from Casa no Minuto can guide you through the entire process, so you don't have to worry about doubts or red tape. And if you still need help with your housing credit, the credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto are available to assist you, at no cost. Save time, money, and save yourself from troubles!


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