Taxa de poupança na zona euro aumenta, mas de investimento abranda

Savings rate in the eurozone increases, but investment rate slows down.

Eurostat data indicated that, in the third quarter of last year, families saved more, but did not invest as much. Get to know the numbers and find out how you can save with credit and insurance contracts.

18 Jan 20242 min

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To save on your monthly credit and insurance payments, in order to increase the budget, you can speak to a credit intermediary from Poupança no Minuto who will quickly show you how they can help! But understand the data involved beforehand. Link to Poupança no Minuto

Data reveals that families' savings grew, but they did not invest as much.

The savings rate in the euro area households increased to 14% in the third quarter of 2023. However, alongside the increase in the savings rate, the investment rate decreased to 9,7% during the same period.

These are data from Eurostat, disclosed by Notícias ao Minuto, determining the figures between July and September 2023.  

According to the numbers, the savings rate "advanced compared to 13.1% in the year-on-year comparison, however, it fell in the quarterly variation (14.3% in the second quarter of 2023)".

Compared to the previous period, the family investment rate decreased, contrary to savings, with 10.2% and 9.8% respectively.

Furthermore, data from the statistical service of the European Union also reveals that investment by non-financial companies in the eurozone fell to 22.9%, compared to the 23.6% indicated in the third quarter of 2022, and 23.1% from the months between April and June.

However, the profit margin of companies decreased to 40.2%, compared to 41.5% in the same quarter, and 40.7% in the previous quarter.

Looking to save money? Revisit your credit and insurance contracts.

If you want to be part of the families that have increased their savings, know that you can do so through your credit and/or insurance contracts.

Do you have a home loan? Life insurance? Go to the contracting entities and try to renegotiate the conditions of the products, first of all.

You may be able to improve conditions, but you have to understand if that action alone is enough. This is because you may even get better conditions by changing the entity contracts. By transferring credit or insurance, you can achieve a much more significant savings in your monthly installment and, even, have conditions more suitable for you (which current entities may not be able to provide).  

For this process, count on the help of the credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto, who support you from the beginning to the end for free! Contact us and understand better what we can do for you.


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