Articles about:

Life Insurance Transfer
Sala de reuniões com janelas e mesa com cadeiras em volta
Insurance Mediation

Insurance sales by banks? Government reopens possibility.

At stake is a measure referenced in the Government's program "Build Portugal," still without a deadline, which allows banks to sell insurance related to mortgage credit.

21 Jun 20243 min

Empréstimos em risco aumentaram em 2023. Como diminuir o risco?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Loans at risk increased in 2023. How to decrease risk?

Even though default has decreased throughout 2023, risky loans have increased. Check out the numbers and learn how to reduce the risk of defaulting on your credit.

19 Jun 20244 min

Como poupar com o seguro de vida? Veja estes exemplos
Life Insurance

How to save with life insurance? Check out these examples.

Want to save on your insurances? Find out how Poupança no Minuto's insurance brokers helped these customers achieve savings of over five thousand euros per year.

29 Apr 20243 min

BCE mantém taxas de juro inalteradas na 1.ª reunião do ano
Mortgage Credit Transfer

ECB keeps interest rates unchanged at 1st meeting of the year

The European Central Bank (ECB) keeps interest rates unchanged, continuing the pause in rate hikes at the first meeting of the year. Find out more next.

05 Feb 20244 min

Ministério das Finanças realça que “taxa de inflação está no valor mais baixo dos últimos dois anos”
Mortgage Savings Credit

Ministry of Finance highlights that "inflation rate is at the lowest value in the last two years."

In a social network, the Ministry of Finance highlighted that the inflation rate recorded in December was the lowest in recent years. Understand it better, next.

19 Jan 20243 min

Quais os apoios sociais reforçados em 2024?
Supports and subsidies

What social supports strengthened in 2024?

According to a publication shared by the Government on social media, find out which social support will be reinforced in 2024. And if you are not entitled to any of these supports, learn about other options to lighten your budget.

12 Jan 20243 min

IRS: 2024 traz descida das taxas para os primeiros cinco escalões
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

IRS: 2024 brings decrease in rates for the first five brackets

The year 2024 continues to bring favorable news in the financial landscape: what you pay in income tax may decrease, depending on your income bracket. Find out if you are included, then how to further ease your monthly budget.

11 Jan 20243 min

Crédito habitação com taxa variável: Quanto vai subir a prestação em janeiro?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Variable-rate mortgage: How much will the payment increase in January?

With the January revision to housing loans with variable rate indexed to Euribor, Portuguese repayments will rise again, but it is the least significant increase since 2022. Find out the numbers at stake, and how to effectively reduce the installment.

10 Jan 20243 min

Dificuldade em pagar casa aumenta: Como baixar prestação do crédito?
Mortgage Savings Credit

Difficulty in paying home increases: How to lower loan installment?

The difficulty in paying for housing by the Portuguese has increased with the context of rising interest rates and inflation that we are going through. In times like these, find out how to lower the installment of your mortgage.

24 Nov 20235 min

Poupar no crédito habitação: Juros bonificados retroagem a janeiro
Mortgage Savings Credit

Saving on mortgage: Discounted interest rates date back to January.

So that the Portuguese can save on their housing loans, the Government has announced support measures for mortgage financing. One of them is the interest rate subsidy and it has now been announced that it will be retroactive to January. Let's see how this measure will work and what other options exist to save on your housing loan.

26 Oct 20234 min

Crédito habitação: Transferir seguro de vida pode ajudar a baixar a prestação?
Life Insurance Credit

Mortgage credit: Can transferring life insurance help lower the monthly payment?

You may already be aware that it is possible to transfer your mortgage credit to another bank. But did you know that you can also transfer your mortgage life insurance to a new insurer? And the savings can be significant, achieving better conditions as well. It's true, find out more about it next.

20 Oct 20235 min

Novas medidas crédito habitação: É possível renegociar condições e estabilizar a prestação?
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

New housing credit measures: Is it possible to renegotiate terms and stabilize the installment?

During the Government's search for solutions to help the Portuguese reduce their housing credit payments, some exceptional measures are already in place. One such case is the renegotiation of contracts with an effort rate exceeding 36% and the stabilization of the installment for two years (having to repay the differential amount later). But which one will compensate more? Can they be applied simultaneously?

16 Oct 20235 min

Crédito habitação: Renegociação de condições com taxa de esforço superior a 36% compensa?
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

Mortgage credit: Is renegotiating conditions with a debt-to-income ratio above 36% worth it?

In order to help the Portuguese reduce their home loan payments, the Government has implemented measures to support housing, such as the obligation for banks to renegotiate loan conditions with a debt-to-income ratio above 36%. However, considering the various options in the market, is opting for this measure worth it? Let's find out in the article.

12 Oct 20235 min

Reduzir prestação do crédito habitação: Transferência ou nova medida do Governo?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Reducing home loan installment: Transfer or new measure from the Government?

Faced with the new government measure to help Portuguese pay less for their home loan, it is important to analyze if it is worthwhile compared to other options available in the market. So, before activating this measure, let's see: Can you save more with a housing loan transfer?

09 Oct 20236 min