Lease: Learn about the process and tenant rights.
We present everything you need to know if you want to rent a house.
When needed to rent a house, such as when going to university, it is essential to pay attention to several aspects.
For example, when making a lease agreement, you should ensure that the document includes all agreed conditions, such as rent amount, contract duration, responsibilities of both parties, and tenant rights.
The Porta 65 Jovem program can be a great help in renting for young people, providing subsidies.
It is also important to know your rights in case of rent increases or sale of the leased property.
Check all the information about renting a house, in the related articles:
- Going to University: What should I pay attention to in a lease agreement? [https://www.poupancanominuto.com/artigos/imobiliario/ida-para-a-universidade-a-que-devo-atentar-num-contrato-de-arrendamento]
- Going to University: Learn about the Porta 65 Young Renting Program.
- Going to University: What should be included in a lease agreement? Link
- Going to University: Where to find the ideal house? (Go to https://www.poupancanominuto.com/artigos/imobiliario/ida-para-a-universidade-onde-encontrar-a-casa-ideal)
- Porta 65 Jovem: A previous lease agreement will no longer be required.
- Going to visit a house for rent? Attention: You do not need to prove income.
- Increase in rent requires a notice of 30 days in advance. https://www.poupancanominuto.com/artigos/imobiliario/aumento-da-renda-implica-um-aviso-com-antecedencia-de-30-dias
- What are the deadlines for termination of a lease contract? Source
- Renting a house that will be sold? Exercise your right of preference.
- Are you the owner of a rented house? Pay attention to communicating the received rents. https://www.poupancanominuto.com/artigos/credito-habitacao/e-proprietario-de-casa-arrendada-atencao-a-comunicacao-das-rendas-recebidas
- Renting a house temporarily? The concept has been gaining space in the market.
- By law, the rent for the house must be paid by which day? [https://www.poupancanominuto.com/artigos/imobiliario/por-lei-a-renda-da-casa-tem-de-ser-paga-ate-que-dia]
- Unchanged rents in recent years could rise by up to 11% in 2025. Link: https://www.poupancanominuto.com/artigos/imobiliario/rendas-inalteradas-nos-ultimos-anos-podem-subir-ate-11-em-2025/preview
- Terminate lease due to late payment? Find out if you can and in what situations.