O que é o Mapa de Responsabilidades de Crédito e como obter?

What is the Credit Responsibilities Map and how to obtain it?

Are you going to take out a loan and the bank asked for your Credit Responsibilities Map? Find out what it is and how to obtain.

12 Apr 20243 min

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When hiring a loan, it is always simpler to have help by your side. The credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto offer a free service that handles all the bureaucracy of the process for you, clarifies all your doubts, and is with you until the final signature.

What is the Credit Responsibilities Map?  

The Credit Responsibilities Map reflects the credit responsibilities that an individual or entity has towards participating entities. That is, when a person takes out a loan, this map shows the responsibilities they have with the entity from which they obtained the financing.

According to the Bank of Portugal (BdP), these are examples of responsibilities: 

  • Mortgage loans are available for housing acquisition.
  • Loans for purchasing cars, furniture, and other consumer goods or services;    
  • Loans for acquiring securities (stocks, bonds, etc.);   
  • Discount of bills and other commercial effects;  
  • Discovered in bank accounts;  
  • Financial leasing and factoring operations;    
  • Amounts used from credit cards.

And these are examples of potential responsibilities that represent irrevocable commitments of participating entities: 

  • Unused credit card limits  
  • Credit lines contracted;    
  • Guarantees provided by participating entities;    
  • Bonds and guarantees;    
  • Any other credit facilities susceptible to conversion into actual debts.

In addition, this map also presents information regarding declarations of insolvency by individuals and companies issued by courts. In the case of companies, it also includes loans obtained in certain countries of the eurozone, when the financing exceeds 25 thousand euros.

Who can access the Credit Responsibility Map?  

Anyone can access their own Credit Responsibilities Map in accordance with constitutional and legal provisions.

This information can be provided to the data subject (individuals and legal entities) or to their representative, in accordance with the current banking secrecy rules in Portugal.

How to obtain the Credit Responsibilities Map?

The Credit Responsibilities Map can be obtained for free on the website of the Bank of Portugal, as well as at the public service counters of the Bank of Portugal or by mail.

To obtain online, the data subject must enter their access credentials to the Tax Portal (tax identification number and password), or, in case of individuals, using the Citizen Card (with the electronic card reader).

If you are a company, legal entity, you must access the Bank of Portugal at "Companies > Credit Responsibility Center" and authenticate yourself with the corporate tax identification number and respective password.

If you want to request the map physically, you must go to the Bank of Portugal's service points with the necessary documentation, and you can schedule it on weekdays from 8:30am to 3pm.

Need to save time (and money) in this process? Simple: Hire a credit intermediary like Poupança no Minuto! Leave everything in our hands, we do not charge any costs, and we simplify everything to the maximum. You will have the right to an exclusive manager always available to you, to understand all the proposed conditions, and achieve the best on the market. For more information, talk to us.


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