Mais casas, mas preços mais altos. Como encontrar o melhor negócio?

More houses, but higher prices. How to find the best deal?

Are you looking for a house? The supply is increasing, but it's not the only thing: the cost is also rising. Find out how to get the best deal.

01 Mar 20243 min

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The real estate agency Casa no Minuto and the credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto can be your partners in buying your home and securing your loan. Find out more about what's at stake next.

There are more houses on the market, but prices are also higher.

According to Imovirtual, quoted by Notícias ao Minuto, there is an increasing number of new house listings: in three months, there was a 36% increase in newly built properties.

“In the last three months, the portal had an average of 12,279 active new construction ads per month, which represents a growth of 36% compared to the same period where an average of 9,015 ads per month were active,” as stated in a press release cited by Notícias ao Minuto.

However, in line with the increase in houses for sale, prices have also increased in all categories.  

"During the period under analysis, buying a new construction house cost, on average, €565,000, a difference of €65,000 compared to the same period, in which the average price was around €500,000," can be read in the same news article.

But it is worth noting that "compared to used properties, during the same period, it was found that these cost on average 170,000€, a difference of 395,000€ (-232%) compared to new construction".

Regarding the category of houses - "there was a higher supply of ads for apartments, which represents 94% of new properties, while villas are only 6%", concludes the news article.

Want to buy a house? Find the best deal here:  

To find the best home buying deal, you must be aligned with what you are looking for: your needs and preferences.  

The second step should be to seek support in order to achieve a process with mediation and negotiation, through experts with experience in the real estate market.

The real estate agency Casa no Minuto is available for:

  • Search for your dream property;
  • Mediate communication between yourself and the seller;  
  • Help with all necessary bureaucracy;
  • Negotiate the value of the property versus the value you are willing to give;  
  • Supporting you throughout the entire process, from day 1 until the day of signing and turnkey delivery!

In addition, we also offer a credit intermediation service so you can access the best home loan proposal, if needed.  

Contact real estate consultants from Casa no Minuto and credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto, and proceed with your home buying process and respective financing today!  


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