Crédito habitação com Euribor? A sua prestação vai descer em junho

Mortgage with Euribor? Your installment will decrease in June.

If you have a housing loan linked to the three, six, or 12-month Euribor, you will feel relief in your monthly installment. Find out what the impact could be.

06 Jun 20242 min

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Home loan installment will decrease in June for those with Euribor-related credit.

Do you have a home loan with the variable rate system linked to Euribor? Your monthly installment will decrease in June.  

For those with contracts linked to the three, six, and 12-month Euribor rates, the scheduled review for this month will bring relief (which can be significant) in the monthly installment.

According to a simulation by DECO PROteste, shared by Notícias ao Minuto, in a scenario of financing of 150 thousand euros, a repayment term of 30 years, and a 1% spread, there are decreases of 25.38 euros in the six-month Euribor and 10.01 euros in the three-month Euribor. For contracts with a 12-month Euribor, the simulation shows a decrease of 16.48 euros.

So, in this scenario, these would be the installments for June (with the average of May's Euribor): 

  • 6 months Euribor rate (3,787%) - 785.82 euros;
  • Euribor 3-month rate (3.813%) - 788.18 euros
  • Euribor 12-month average (3.680%) - €776.15.  

Considering that, in the same scenario, these were the installment values in the last revisions: 

  • Euribor 6-month average rate (4.065%) in December 2023 - €811.20.
  • Euribor 3-month average rate (3.923%) in March 2024 - 798.19 euros;  
  • Euribor 12-month average (3.862%) in June 2023 - 792.63 euros.

The May Euribor average dropped in all three periods: three, six, and 12 months, more significantly than in April and in the shorter terms.  

Do you know that it may be possible to lower even more your monthly home loan payment? By renegotiating your current conditions, or transferring the loan to a bank that offers more advantageous conditions, you can manage to pay (considerably) less for the financing. Credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto can handle all this process for you, for free, so you can save on credit, save time, and save yourself from bureaucracies! Simulate this savings here:


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