Buying a house to rent out? Data from the 1st quarter is positive
Buying a house to rent out is worth it? Data from the first quarter of 2024 in Portugal indicate that it is. Find out profitability by municipality.
Looking for a home loan to buy your house and invest in rental properties? We can help! Talk to the credit intermediaries at Poupança no Minuto and move forward now.
The profitability of buying a house to rent was 7.3% in the 1st quarter.
The gross profitability of buying a house in Portugal to put it on the rental market was 7.3% in the first quarter of 2024, which is 0.7 percentage points (p.p) higher than the value of the same period last year - 6.6%.
The data is from Idealista and can be read in publication of Notícias ao Minuto, and also indicate that "the profitability in housing is 0.2 percentage points lower than that observed in the first quarter of 2019, of 7.5%".
In district capitals, it is in Castelo Branco where the highest profitability was found in house purchase for investment, with a return of about 9.2%.
Then, the cities of Santarém (7.9%), Coimbra (7.2%), Leiria (6.6%), Braga (6.2%), Évora (6.1%), Setúbal (6.1%), Porto (5.8%), and Aveiro (5.4%) are listed.
On the contrary, the cities with lower residential profitability by homeowners were Lisbon (4.6%), Faro (4.9%), and Funchal (5%).
If this is a project you are considering, you can seek the help of experts, such as credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto, to ensure a clear and fast credit process. Our services are free of charge and mediate all communication and bureaucratic part of acquiring your housing finance for rent! Simulate credit and get in touch with us, so we can ensure the best market conditions for you.