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Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro média anual fixa-se em 3,612% em 2023
Mortgage Savings Credit

Mortgage credit: Average annual interest rate settles at 3.612% in 2023

Notice the data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and learn how to download your home installment.

24 Jan 20243 min

Crédito habitação com taxa variável: Quanto vai subir a prestação em janeiro?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Variable-rate mortgage: How much will the payment increase in January?

With the January revision to housing loans with variable rate indexed to Euribor, Portuguese repayments will rise again, but it is the least significant increase since 2022. Find out the numbers at stake, and how to effectively reduce the installment.

10 Jan 20243 min

Custos com casa são mais de metade do orçamento? Saiba como diminuir o impacto
Mortgage Savings Credit

Costs with housing are more than half of the budget? Find out how to reduce the impact.

According to data released, household costs for 2022 and 2023 were more than half of family budgets. How can we reduce the impact of these costs? Find out in this article.

29 Dec 20233 min

Prestação da casa indexada à Euribor a três meses descerá em dezembro e janeiro
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

House installment linked to 3-month Euribor will decrease in December and January.

For those who have contracted the three-month Euribor on their variable rate mortgage, in December and January they will begin to feel a slight reduction in the monthly installment they pay. This is because interest rates have already reached the maximum limit. Understand better when each term begins to impact the house payment.

27 Dec 20233 min

Prestação da casa mais alta em dezembro, mas não tanto quanto novembro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

The highest house rendering in December, but not as much as in November.

Data shows that the home loan installment increases again in December, but not as significantly as the increase in November. There is a slowdown, although a decrease is not yet expected. Read the simulations and see how you can lower your monthly home loan installment.

12 Dec 20234 min

Quanto pode subir a minha prestação da casa em novembro?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

How much can my house installment go up in November?

The Euribor rates have risen again in October, which will now be reflected in the monthly installments of Portuguese home loans. See how much it can increase and learn a way to avoid the hike.

06 Nov 20233 min