Articles about:

IMT exemption
Isenção do IMT Jovem? Conheça as tabelas já em vigor
Housing Credit Acquisition

IMT Young Tax Exemption? Get to know the tables already in force

See here the tables with the IMT exemption rates that young people will be entitled to according to the values of the houses to buy.

30 Aug 20242 min

Já estão em vigor as medidas de apoio aos jovens na habitação. Esclareça as dúvidas
Housing Credit Acquisition

Support measures for young people in housing are now in place. Clarify any doubts.

The new support measures for young people up to 35 years old to buy a house came into effect on August 1st. Therefore, find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

05 Aug 20244 min

Isenção de impostos na compra de casa para jovens produz efeitos a 1 de agosto
Housing Credit Acquisition

Tax exemption on home purchase for young people goes into effect on August 1.

The decree-law on the measure regarding tax exemption on home purchases for young people between 18 and 35 years old has already been published and is set to take effect on August 1st. Let's recall the conditions of the measure.

29 Jul 20242 min

Isenção de IMT e IS em vigor a 1 de agosto: Jovens a adiar escrituras das casas para beneficiar
Housing Credit Acquisition

IMT and IS exemption in effect as from August 1st: Young people postponing house deeds to benefit.

The measure will come into effect on the first day of next month, so young people up to 35 years old in the process of buying a house are postponing the signing of deeds in order to still be able to access the tax benefit. Understand if it is possible legally and how to access the measure.

15 Jul 20244 min

Isenção de IMT para jovens: Até quando podem beneficiar?

IMT exemption for young people: Until when can they benefit?

Young people are entitled to IMT exemption if the purpose of the property remains the same, without changing the family unit or workplace. Learn more, afterwards.

26 Jun 20243 min

Jovens com isenção de IMT e IS sem limite no rendimento, mas sim no valor da casa
Housing Credit Acquisition

Young people with exemption from IMT and IS without income limit, but with a limit on the value of the house.

Young people up to 35 years old will be exempt from taxes when buying their first house regardless of their income, but with limits on the property values. Find out how the measure will work next.

23 May 20242 min

IMT: Imóveis para revenda comprados antes do Mais Habitação têm direito a isenção?

IMT: Real estate for resale purchased before Mais Habitação are entitled to exemption?

The Tax Authority clarifies which resale properties are entitled to IMT exemption under the Mais Habitação program.

14 Mar 20242 min