Home loan: Interest rate decreases again in December.
The mortgage interest rate dropped to 4.091% in December, showing a decrease from the previous month, but still above the value of the same period in 2023, according to INE data.
Interest rate decreases, but still remains above the 2023 value.
The implicit interest rate in housing credit contracts fell to 4.091% in December, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE) - as reported by Notícias ao Minuto.
This value translates to a reduction of 9.5 basis points (p.b.) compared to the rate of 4.186% recorded in November.
In our most recent contracts (signed in the last three months), the interest rate also decreased, from 3.423% in November to 3.349% in December, as indicated by INE.
With regard to the average benefit, it remained at 403 euros, 3 euros higher than the value recorded in December 2023.
For the year 2024, the average annual interest rate for housing credit was 4.372%, a significant increase compared to 3.612% in 2023. This increase was reflected in the average annual installment, which rose by 42 euros (11.5%), reaching 404 euros, as revealed by the INE.
As for the average annual capital outstanding, both for total housing credit and for financing intended for "home acquisition," there was an increase. It went from 63,459 euros and 70,962 euros in 2023 to 66,508 euros and 73,917 euros in 2024, respectively.
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