Crédito habitação: Renegociação e taxa mista foram preferência em janeiro

Home loan: Renegotiation and mixed-rate were preferred in January.

January was marked by renegotiation processes and hiring of mixed rate in housing credit. Get to know the data from the Bank of Portugal (BdP).

15 Mar 20242 min

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Renegotiation and mixed rate as the most common processes in January in housing credit.

In January, the preference of families to save on their housing loans was marked by renegotiating the financing. And it was the mixed rate regime that led the way.

According to data released by the Bank of Portugal (BdP) and shared by Notícias ao Minuto, families are increasingly renegotiating their loans, with the value of renegotiations increasing by 95 million euros in January.

"Credit renegotiations increased by 95 million euros compared to December 2023, totaling 768 million euros in January 2024," as reported by Notícias ao Minuto. It is worth noting that, in housing credit renegotiations alone, the amount was 716 million euros.

The mixed rate was the main contracted regime in housing credit contracts in January, representing 70.8%. The variable rate accounted for 24.7%, and the fixed rate for 4.5%. Visit here for more information.

The data also shows that the average monthly payment increased to 426 euros in January, just an increase of one euro compared to the previous month.

In line with the information described, it can also be verified that the Euribor in January represented the largest share of the "stock" of loans for permanent own housing with a variable rate. 

Notice that in January, the six-month Euribor represented 36.5% of the total contracts, the 12-month Euribor 35.7%, and the three-month Euribor 24.4%.

The renegotiation of your credit conditions, or changing the interest rate regime to a mixed one, is being considered; the credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto can mediate the entire process! Access our services here at no cost.


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